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Hochschulmedizin Zürich SURGENT


SURGENT (Surgeon Enhancing Technologies) aims to establish new standards of patient specific planning and execution of precision spinal and neurosurgery.
This highly interdisciplinary project stands at the cross-roads of surgery, biomedical imaging, computer sciences and Engineering. It will converge all these fields for development, integration, optimization, and clinical validation of state-of-the-art technologies for surgical skill augmentation and embed these tools within efficient and economical clinical workflows for the benefit of the patient.

SURGENT has been a HMZ Flagship Project since 2018.

Driving technology and innovation for better patient care

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Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad
Balgrist University Hospital
Forchstrasse 340
CH-8008 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 386 30 04

Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt
ETH Zurich
Institute of Design, Materials and Fabrication
Leonhardstrasse 21
CH-8092 Zurich
Phone:  +41 44 632 72 38

Prof. Dr. Philip Fürnstahl
Balgrist Campus
Research in Orthopedic Computer Science
Lengghalde 5
CH-8008 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 510 73 60


Federation to support 12 million franc project

Researchers at Balgrist University Hospital and Balgrist Campus from the project SURGENT have developed and tested surgical innovations. This has now resulted, among other things, in the "PROFICIENCY" project, which is being supported by the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) with 6 million Swiss francs. The project constitutes a paradigm shift in education and training for surgeons. Innovative, simulator-supported practical training will replace advanced training in the operating room, also in conjunction with the novel, translational OR-X teaching and research center.

The OR-X is a 1:1 copy of a Balgrist operating room with the latest digital OR control system

OR-X: Translational Center for Surgery

Balgrist University Hospital informs about the construction of the translational center for research and education «OR-X». Its centerpiece is a simulation operation room. According to Philipp Fürnstahl, Professor of Orthopedic Computer Science, the success of the HMZ Flagship Project SURGENT was instrumental in this decision: "The SURGENT project has shown the importance of translational research by transferring technologies from research prototypes to clinical trials."

Driving technology and innovation for better patient care

Driving technology and innovation for better patient care

SURGENT: First holographically navigated spine surgery worldwide

HMZ congratulates the team on this breakthrough, which was made possible thanks to their innovative and highly interdisciplinary approach.